Watch Strap Review Part 28. – Porsche 928 strap by GLC Straps
Do you remember the first time you sat in an old sports car either as a passenger or better yet, as a driver?
We all know the feeling. The smell of petrol and old leather paired with the sound of the engine and the feeling how your body trembles inside is something you never forget. It is a mixture of fear, excitement and concentration. You start to roll out and after the drive when you stop it feels like the whole experience was only 5 seconds. You can’t wait to get back in that car but this time you already know what to expect and that urges you. This may sound like a nice marketing text from a catalog but it really isn’t. This is how I felt inside that Porsche 928 a long time ago. Same feeling struck me when I put that strap on.
Porsche 928 Strap

The seat cover before the transformation
That feeling
It is not a cheesy statement (maybe just a little) but the truth. Every time I get a leather strap for review I look at it closely. I want to see and feel the leather, the stitching, the edges and the buckle. Then I smell it, and this was the point that feeling hit me. The petrol gets into the interior of the car and slowly ingrains into the leather seats. Then over time the seats need a refreshing. They remove the old leather from the seats and if they are lucky somebody will recycle them. For us watch lovers, what is the best way to recycle a leather cover of a sports car. Straps of course. Let me get this straight; this is not the first or last time a company does something like that. That does not matter though. It feels and looks cool.
Racing strap
Just today G.L.C. Straps released a limited edition rally strap on their site. All 30 of them are made of a seat cover coming from a 928 Porsche. It is a beautiful aged burgundy leather with that unmistakable sports car aroma. G.L.C. Straps is a company that only sells Italian hand-made straps. This is no exception. Coming from Rome by the hands of true artisans. They offer them in various sizes (18-19-20-22mm) with straight ends and matching burgundy stitching. The best however is the price. G.L.C. sells the Porsche 928 strap for €90+shipping. Other companies either go way higher in price or use leather from tanneries that the car companies do. That is not leather from the seat though, whereas this one the actual leather. They were removed after the car had a renovation and the seats were replaced. You do not need more provenance than this, I suppose.
How to buy?
The straps come in a cool racing-style black and white checkered strap sleeve. G.L.C. straps deliver most of their straps in similar sleeves, you might be familiar with these. In the bag, you also find a card that has the limited-edition number with the silhouette of the 928 and the logo of the company. On the other side the “certification” that the leather is indeed coming from said car and the design was an homage to the original 1970’s rally straps. If you have a 60’s or 70’s vintage chrono or you want to space up your modern time piece this strap is the perfect fit.
To order your limited edition Porsche 928 racing strap from G.L.C. Straps please visit their website.